Monday, November 3, 2008

Please Forgive Me

really do know , how to start!!
a bit fed up!!
i do not know whether what I say , But after all, what I told is finish! end.......

as a leader, many things must concern! maybe some of it will thinks i not doing well in my part. i already try what i can help. i am the people dun like talk people backside, anything i do is straight forward to solve those problems.

I realised that my delivering comments may not in a proper way, make some people feel uncomfortable. I am trying to be my best for it.

i am the kind of people "face things not face people" one, i really dun know what happen to u all.
some more "1 people did things 1 poeple face" , dun try to hurt some one else, especially the weak one!! i love my family member, wont let somebody to hurt them. u told leader easy to do, u try to do it lah, u will know!! times pass times , u will know..........

a piece of shit. actually dunno why i write this post. feel like very angry on a lot of things, but actually i cannot blame anyone . i m the one who choose to come into this.

hear some people change a lot , but i think no, is thier true colour, is i cant konw their deep enough.

anyway, this is the end......... i wont write or comment anything. haha, a piece of shit !!


Anonymous said...

似乎以“紧张“的心情追看完全文,从而也稍微感觉你的“愤怒“的心情。虽然似懂非懂,但是重要克守本分,其他流言蜚语就让它随风飘逝吧!因为我已领悟了...... : )

have a nice day said...


have a nice day said...

还有, 你的BLOG我留言不到!!加油!!

Anonymous said...

那是个人学习心态所纠结的问题。盲目地摸索不晓得自己的目的是啥?不就是“进入宝山空手还”的最佳写照吗?斤斤计较不见得对方会是个快乐的人!!甭管那些自负、自以为是”精英分子“。最重要我们已经提升至另一个层次了。嘿嘿......是吗?其实都蛮希望每次写的文章都能与朋友分享和给我留言。没关系,谢谢你的捧场哦!! :)