以下是我收到EMAIL 的讯息:
关闭电灯不过是举手之劳,但其结果却意义非凡。此项活动2007年在澳大利亚首次 推出, 上百万企业和个人积极参与。它强有力地传递出这样一个令人振奋的信 息——全世界的人们以及所有的惠普人都在关心着我们这个星球的未来。 要实现这一目标,我们需要您的帮助。
Malaysia Counting Down to Earth HourCorporate Malaysia, Iconic landmarks and Celebrities join hands to fightagainst Climate Change
Kuala Lumpur – Imagine a major part of Kuala Lumpur turning its lights outalmost simultaneously for one hour. A city in darkness would definitely get thetown talking on what all the fuss is about. On 28 March, Malaysia will be takingpart in a global movement to stand united with 1000 cities and its peoples forEarth Hour by switching off non-essential lights for one hour. Earth Hour, whichwill take place on 28 March 2009, 8.30pm to 9.30pm (local time), is aimed atpromoting awareness to fight against climate change.
‘“The act of switching non-essential lights is a simple and effortless stepthat every person can take that can trigger a huge positive impact againstclimate change. The message we are trying to give is that every person, bytaking a small action such as turning off a light, can make a huge difference inthe fight against climate change””, said WWF Malaysia Chief ExecutiveOfficer, Dato' Dr Dionysius Sharma.
Earth Hour is an initiative started by World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF) in2007 in Sydney, Australia. Last year 50 million people across 35 countries tookpart in this movement. This year WWF is targeting 1 billion people worldwide -individuals, government and corporations alike and WWF Malaysia is joining theranks to lead Malaysians to be part of this global action.“Humanity is not in a position to allow our activities to warm up the planet.Much is at stake; biodiversity, our loved ones and ourselves. Let's startwith an hour and stop only when we have created hope for planet Earth”.Dato' Dr Dionysius Sharma further said.
Todays launch kicks off WWF Malaysia’s drive to muster the support andparticipation of Malaysians, targeting at least 5 million individuals andcorporations as well as building owners and the government.
One of Kuala Lumpur’s most iconic landmarks, The KL Tower has graciouslyoffered their support to the Earth Hour movement by providing the venue for thelaunch of Earth Hour today as well as for the Earth Hour event on 28 March."Menara Kuala Lumpur, under it's Tower of Hope programme, is committedto raise awareness on climate change and being the first monument in Malaysia toparticipate for this cause, we would like to call upon other buildings in thiscountry to do the same." said Dato' Zulkifli Mohamad, Chief ExecutiveOfficer of Menara Kuala Lumpur.
Dato' Dr Dionysius Sharma added “We are ecstatic that KL Tower haspledged their support for Earth Hour and we are hoping to get our world famousKLCC Twin Towers to be involved as well. Other iconic landmarks around the worldsuch as the Taipei 101 tower in Taiwan and Dubai’s Burj Al Arab have alreadypledged their support for this cause”.
Meanwhile local celebrities have also joined hands together with WWF Malaysiato lend their support to drive this cause to the masses. Among celebrities andpersonalities who have confirmed their participation for Earth Hour are ZainalAbidin, Alex Yoong, Karamjit Singh, Stephanie Chai, Lina Teoh, Shebby Singh,Daphne Iking, Sharifah Amani, Sarimah, Sazzy Falak, Rina Omar, Aishah Sinclairand Lyn Lim. These celebrities will participate in promotional events leading upto Earth Hour. Malaysia’s very own famous film director, Yasmin Ahmad has beenappointed to as the Ambassador of Earth Hour. Her appointment is veryappropriate with the movement’s theme of unity as her films echoes the samemessage as well.
Even individuals have come forward to provide rallying assistance. Thanks tothe generous effort of one of Malaysia’s corporate leaders – Dato’ JohanRaslan President of ICRM, many companies have come forward to pledge theirparticipation in Earth Hour. Dato Johan said, “Supporting Earth Hour byswitching off the lights is so simple to do. It is just a small step in thelonger journey to raise awareness of climate change. By participating, corporateMalaysia is sending a resounding message that we are serious aboutsustainability”.
On the media front ASTRO, Media Prima and RTM – pledging to provide air timeto run Earth Hour commercials and promotions while at the same time dedicatingslots in their talk show programs to promote this initiative, with 8TV pledgingto halt transmission of all programs for an hour. “8tv is honored to be partof this momentous event. As a leading media company, and more importantly ascitizens of the world, it is our responsibility to help raise awareness towardsthe need to take action against climate change. 8tv is committed to the messageof Earth Hour and will take its first step by reducing broadcasting time by onehour starting from the 1st of March 2009.And in support of Earth Hour 2009, for the first time ever in tv broadcastinghistory, 8tv will shut down tv transmission from 8.30pm – 9.30pm on March 28.This transmission shutdown, done during our peak prime-time hour, will send astrong message to all Malaysians about the need to slow down climate change.”said it’s 8TV’s Chief Executive Officer, En. Ahmad Izham.
Earth Hour has been a huge success – first in Sydney alone in 2007, and thenglobally last year and it is a testament to show that the simple act of peopleswitching off their lights can make a resounding statement for a worthy cause.
Malaysians from all walks of life are strongly encouraged to be a part of thisglobal movement and make a difference in the world that we live in.Sign up for Earth Hour at
www.earthhour.org/malaysia and make a pledge toswitch off your lights now.